Saturday, March 1, 2008

Desertlings, The Windrift Desert and Wihrus


Desertlings are an indigenous race of tribal Halflings who live in the Windrift Desert to the North-East. These Halflings are a tough breed of warriors and survivors who live in large family based communities that hunt and gather around the oases of the desert and semi-desert. There are more than twenty tribes living in the desert. These tribes have complex relationships involving raiding, trading, kidnapping for the purposes of inter-tribal marriage and laws of honor and hospitality.

Life is harsh in the desert and Desertling children are protected with a fury that is even beyond the comprehension of parents of other species. Other travelers in the desert will rarely see Desertlings unless they are in trouble. They do not like strangers and do not like to draw attention to their tribes. However, there are many tales told in taverns all along the Storm Coast, of Desertling warriors swooping in to save lost caravans from the rigors of the desert or from the many dangerous scavengers that lurk in that part of the world. Also, certain savvy traders have developed friendships with certain tribes learning their ways well enough to barter for supplies and safe places to rest. For reasons that are not quite clear, the Desertlings have developed a kinship with the exiled Elves in the region.

Desertling communities are almost always centered around an oasis. These small outposts of paradise are closely guarded by the Halflings and they use several semi-tamed lizards, the Naguer and the flying Lydrake to help them. These lizards are both trained for riding and the Naguer is more common than the horse in the deep desert. The lizards sleep for much of the day as do most Desertlings. The tribes' active times are from a few hours before sunset to a few hours after sunrise.

Desertlings very rarely travel beyond the borders of the desert. However, some Desertlings develop an adventurer’s spirit or a wanderer’s heart and do depart their own lands seeking exotic excitement and adventure. Such adventurers always take the blessing of the Elders of their tribe and their god with them.

Desert Religion

Desertlings worship Novem. They believe that the great sandstorms common in the hotter months are a sign of the god’s powers. Those people who survive out in such a storm without shelter are called Stormriders and are considered blessed by Novem.

The Desertling religion is quite structured and revolves around the teachings of the Seventh Prophet. The religion is called Wihrus (which means ‘Fire of Judgement’ in Desert Halfling) by outsiders who have learned of the religion, named after the Seventh Profit. Cults of Wihrus have sprung up all over the Storm Coast, and members call themselves Wihruuns. Wihruuns believe that Novem created the world, specifically beginning with the Windrift desert. Within the structure of this belief system, Novem has four faces that can be seen in the night sky. Each of the faces of the deity have different personality traits, and worshippers in this religion are careful to indulge Novem’s prominent aspect. At all times the gender of Novem is kept ambiguous. The use of gender specific pronouns when speaking of Novem is considered inappropriate and rude by Wihruuns.

The four faces of Novem are:

Ekuma ‘The Red Star’

The Red Star is seen in the night and early morning sky. It usually stays low on the horizon and stays visible for different amounts of time throughout the year. It does not appear over the horizon in the hottest months but its glow can still be seen just at the horizon. This face of Novem wants order, rules, peace and security for the inhabitants of the Windrifts.

Narcis ‘The Moon’

The Moon is the largest body in the sky. It is approximately one degrees across (about 2 times larger than Earth’s moon) and has rings. It is usually visible for about half of the day. It is visible even when the sun is in the sky. It changes phase from full moon back through to full moon over about a thirty day period. However, both its dark and light side are usually visible. The Wihruuns believe that the phase of the moon represents a shifting aspect of Novem’s personality. The full moon and the light side represent wisdom, knowledge, research and learning. The dark side of the moon represents shadow, subtlety, treachery and secrets.

Gehlon ‘The Sun’

The Sun is the most powerful aspect of Novem. It is a small, bright, blue-white star that puts an intense contrast on everything, particularly in the deep desert. To the Wihruuns, The Sun is a symbol of Power, strength, light truth, life and death. The Sun is the reason the Windrifts are as desolate as they are. The Sun holds sway over all things and some Wihruuns believe the other aspects of Novem are insignificant when compared to Gehlon.

Ondah ‘The Constellation’

The Constellation is a grouping of twelve bright stars that can be most easily seen in the hottest months of the year. This aspect of God is the humorous side of the deity. It wants chaos, whimsy, frivolity and fun.

The Seven Prophets

Wihruuns believe that six prophets came to the Windrifts to bring the knowledge of Novem to the Desertling tribes. Some believe they came directly from Novem and others believe they came from across the ocean. These six prophets were human, perhaps the first humans in the Windrifts. They came to the Desertlings, taught them and tried to convert them to the way of judgment, Wihrus. The Desertlings killed them but not before each of the six prophets separately prophesied the coming of a seventh prophet, a great leader from within the Desertling’s own community.

Wihrus, a Desertling, was found by the banks of an oasis about three hundred or so years later. As she grew up, she discovered she had an easy wisdom, a natural charisma and vast talent for sorcery. She also had an inborn knowledge of the ways of Novem. She survived many trials, that are now passed down through oral tradition. She traveled amongst the tribes, both human, in the Tribe Lands, and Desertling and taught them about Novem, the Windrifts and their spiritual ‘place’ in the world. She went about her work for almost two hundred years (a long time for a Halfling) and then she disappeared and never returned to any of the tribes. By that time, the religion of Wihrus had a great following which has continued to grow ever since.

The Desertlings believe that the Windrift Desert is a testing ground for the faithful. They believe that their spirits have been chosen and taken from paradise to serve Novem. However, before they can go on to serve Novem they must prove that they are worthy and capable. Wihruuns believe that they must spend their lives bettering themselves. They should find their natural talents and improve them for Novem. Novem is waiting for them to be ready for a greater purpose.

Wihruuns also believe that magic is a gift of God. They are very suspicious of magic users who do not have the faith. They consider it blasphemous. This can cause a great amount of tension between the Desertlings and other magic users on the Storm Coast. Desertlings often find the activities of the cults of Wihrus amusing when they come upon them. They are generally accepting of those outside the desert who have chosen to follow their ways. However, they do believe that the ways of Wihrus, the power of the desert and the blood of the tribes are tightly intertwined.

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