Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Long Day - Short II

Callan runs desperately across the ridge seeking some way to escape. Ahead, he sees the ridge end in a sheer drop. Beyond, another cliff and a wild old oak growing out from its side are Callan’s only hope. With a burst of will and speed he leaps the gaps and crashes into the tree. He grabs frantically for branches as they wickedly scratch at his face and arms. As he manages to pull himself up into the tree he hears a crack and thump as his assailant lands in the tree closer to the cliff wall. Glancing down, Callan sees that the fall is about forty feet into a shallow stream.

The spotted cat recovers from its somewhat graceless landing and seeks once more for its prey. It begins to stalk its way further along the old tree trunk towards the struggling creature on the outer limbs.
Callan sets his feet on the trunk and grabs a branch above him for balance. He pulls out a long wicked looking curved knife and watches the leopard approach.

The leopard lunges at Callan. Its razor claws, slice through his outer clothing and shear across his mail shirt. The impact breaks one of Callan’s ribs and he gasps as he struggles to maintain his precarious position. He lashes down with his knife. Blood plumes through the beasts fur as the knife slices through its upper neck muscles. Before it has a chance to move, Callan sits heavily and wraps his legs around the tree trunk. He lets go of the branch above and pushes the knife deeper with both hands. The leopard struggles for a few moments longer and then topples and snags on a few larger branches almost taking Callan with it.

Callan takes a moment to catch his breath. He then begins to move along the trunk seeking a path off this cliff. The tree shifts and he realizes with trepidation that the tree roots are beginning to break away from the stone wall. Today is going to be a long day.

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