Friday, March 5, 2010

Other lands, other taverns, a new D20 Setting

Twilight of the Winds
The Belowland
The Grey Wastes is an inhospitable land far to the south of the Great Nations. In the midst of this rocky desert, the Belowland is a cool and rainy region capable of comfortably supporting all kinds of flora and fauna. It is also a source for the much sought after silver diamonds known as ‘Sorcrystals’ that can be used to make powerful magical items.

About 100 years ago, a band of Human and Halfling explorers came on ships to the Grey Wastes in search of the Belowland. A brother and sister, Avidal and Bonata led the explorers. When they arrived, they discovered new intelligent species indigenous to Belowland: the Elves of the Black Wood, and the Gnomes and Dwarves of the Shattered Mesa. They also soon learned that the Elves and Dwarves were in a feud that had lasted for generations, sometimes leading to terrible battles on the shores of the Glimmer Water. Only in defense of Belowland against the monster war tribes of the Wastes had they learned to work together.

Over time, Avidal and Bonata took different sides in this feud and two nations were formed, named after the famous explorers.

The land of Bonata formed first as a trade partnership between Humans and Dwarves. This kingdom has become wealthy by selling Sorcrystals to the Great Nations. The dangerous coastal and river routes to the Great Nations are now quite busy with Bonatan ship and barge traffic. Hardy Dwarves and independent Humans and Halflings have learned to thrive together. Only a few stalwart extremist Dwarves are upset by the Human incursion.

The land of Avidal is still known as Kai’aruniĆ« or ‘Black Wood’ to the Elves. The union of the Humans and Elves in this country was formed by love and tradition. Aeleanora, Elven princess, fell in love with and secretly married Avidal against the wishes of her family in a tale that is now a favorite amongst bards. Elven tradition passes rule of their lands along the female line and so the Elven realm was forever changed. Rhianna the Half-Elven has only recently been crowned Queen of Avidal. She does not have the support of all of the Elves or all of the Humans. There are rumors that another branch of the Elven family are gathering support to usurp their Half-Elven queen.

The Wonders and Mysteries of Belowland
Much of Belowland is unexplored wilderness with treasures to be discovered. There are many ruins dotted about the countryside, a remnant of an ancient civilization about which the Dwarves and Elves do not speak. Perhaps, the most mysterious of these ancient monuments are the Temples of the Four Winds.

Temples of the Four Winds
Four ancient temples have been found in the Belowland, to the north, south, east and west. Curiously, the buildings are in quite a good condition for their apparent age and the gods that they were constructed to worship seem to be the same as those worshipped in the Great Nations. Some newcomers speculate that the ancient civilization of Belowland may have once been an outpost of the Great Nations. The clerics of the Great Nations have been quick to take ownership of these old churches, though this is the source of some consternation with the locals.

The biggest city in Belowland is one of the many sources of contention between the elves and the dwarves. Shadowvale has become the center of commerce for Belowland and is under elven control. It is centered about the only natural land bridge across the river and has the best portage locations for trafficking goods. Though everyone is allowed to come and go in Shadowvale freely, Avidalans tax goods entering and leaving the city heavily. A wooden fortification protects Shadowvale on the south side, but the gates have been left open for almost a decade now.

In the east of Avidal, in the Silver wood, an ancient ruin of a vast city can be found. Some say it is haunted. Some say that on moonlit nights the spires and glory of bygone days can be seen atop the ruin. People go missing on those nights, and some believe that the Twilight city is less ruined than it looks.

Built on the plateau of Khag’s mesa, Stronghold is a city filled with the ingenuity and engineering of the Dwarves and Gnomes. Though a winding and dangerous path does lead up to the city, only unwanted guests use it. Its inhabitants use pulleys, levers, cogs and wheels to pull and drop elevators down the sides of the mesa allowing efficient and speedy travel in and out of the city. The city itself is built on top, along the sides and inside the vast towering rock. Dwarves take pride in the artistry and engineering of their buildings and many of the towers and mansions of the city are beautiful marvels.

The Escarpment and rogue’s hour
Belowland is surrounded by a high cliff known as the Escarpment. This geographical feature provides some protection from the denizens of the Grey Wastes even though there are many treacherous routes up and down the wall. The Escarpment also protects the land somewhat from the hot desert sun. However, sunrise and sunset take much longer in Belowland as the sun must rise over the vast cliff before full daylight falls on the land. This time of shadow and twilight is commonly known as the rogue’s hour as it is a favorite time for criminals to be abroad in the cities.

Beasts, The Grey Wastes, and other threats
The unexplored parts of Belowland contain many threats. Unique monsters, hidden tribes, ancient traps, bandits and even pirates on the river can often lead to sudden and unpleasant death. Beyond the Escarpment, monster war tribes fight for survival and resources, and are often tempted by the fertile lands below. Raiders and roving tribes are a common threat around the edges of Belowland.
Sometimes the tension between the countries, Avidal and Bonata, feels like it will break out into fighting. For now healthy trade and common defense are good reasons to keep the peace.

Are you ready to make your way in Belowland?

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