Monday, April 4, 2011

Mistvale Ruminations (from my Facebook page)

Tis breezy and 60F out here on my porch. It is on such days that the inhabitants of Mistvale take to the streets in numbers. The markets are open with new, fresh produce, and exotic fabrics and goods from their elven neighbors and from the vast capital of Argonath to the West. The city does not smell so bad today. The brisk breeze off the sea has cleaned away most of the musty odors from an over long winter. 
Yes, I'm a geek. ...and it would be easy to spend some time and focus on the bustle of a city embracing spring, enjoying peaceful trade after two years of urban conflict and fear filled streets but we should turn our gaze towards the east cliffs that overlook the town. Glance for a moment upon the old grey tower that looks like it is a day away from collapse. An important place that, high seat (both metaphorically and physically) of Angrul the sorcerer, a dark wizard who now rules over the trade council and hence the city as High Lord. The irony is that the people of the city are thankful.
Or maybe just a dreamer. ...I said, glance only. Today, we should turn our eyes on that smaller house that looks a little like a miniature fort, nestled next to the old cemetery and the even older church. That my friends, is the Mistvale View tavern, a pub and inn renowned across the continent. As you can see, the season and the mood is being celebrated. A party is in full swing. Colorful awnings decorate the outside of the building. The bar, the courtyards, and a hundred yards either way up the old road are filled with patrons drinking their fill of the finest ales and the most exotic wines available in the Kingdom of Midion. This tavern has been the launching point of many adventures. I suggest you stay a while, introduce yourself to the owner, Gareth, son of Gareth, son of Gareth, the halfling. A barkeep who, some would say, brokered the deal that freed the city and on the same day put it in the hands of Angrul.
Or sometimes wish I'd been a writer. To the south of the city, a very old friend to Mistvale stands at the south gate. Albin is wondering what he might find beyond the guards and the old iron portcullis.

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