Monday, October 4, 2010

Cammiors Journal - The Awakening

The Awakening – Day 1

Pain and suffering is all I can remember. Where am I? Who am I? These simple things escape me. I must write. I must remember.

The Awakening – Day 4

After wondering for days in this blood stained desert, I find many places where towns and cities once stood. They have been eaten by the constant barrage of small red particles. There is no sign of life. Am I alone? Why do I feel a strange connection to this place?

The Awakening – Day 10

No water, yet I do not feel thirsty. No food, yet I do not feel hungry. Nightmares plague my dreams. Scattered in the nightmares I see blue, yellow, pink, purple and red flowered meadows.

The Awakening – Day 17

I came across something vile today. I don’t know why but I felt connected to, but at the same time, disgusted by it. It led me back to a cave where it and others were worshiping some sort of large glyph. I did not kill them. I should have.

The Awakening – Day 18

Cammior! From the Orgile cast! My memory is getting better and my body is changing. The desert crawls with biting insects that plague my skin. Boils have appeared on my forehead.

The Awakening – Day 25

I have been lingering in this desert for a while. The symmetric boils on my forehead have turned to large calluses, my skin has turned a red hue, and nightmares still wake me in the night. My connection to this barren place feels like a heavy weight on my back. I feel somewhat responsible. Void of “good” and surrounded by “evil”.

The Awakening – Day 26

I must atone. I must return to that flower field. I must not watch as this world turns to blood stained sand.

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