Friday, November 12, 2010

Secret Conversations

Talon follows the nubile cat woman over the sandy terrain trying to keep his mind on stealth and keeping up with his new, agile 'friend' instead of her shapely figure. She leads him to the edge of the elven encampment. She clearly has some knowledge of the camp's daily activities as she skillfully maneuvers Talon around the frequent patrols.

The tribal encampment is mostly quiet. Except for those on official business; the elves and their allies are resting and recouperating from the feast and party that is apparently a part of daily life for the tribe.

As Talon draws closer to the tents at the outer boundary of the encampment, the cat woman places a finger to her lips directing him to silence, and whispers to him, 'listen'.

In the quiet still air, cooling from the heat of the day, a whispered conversation can be heard. Through the thin canvas walls of the nearby tent, two males are arguing. Talon immediately recognizes one of the voices as that of Carabba, the tribe's shaman.

This is not going to be exactly the same as the live event, but hopefully will be clarifying and fun.

".. I think I must help them," the elf continues.
"It is a mistake. They have proven themselves to be thugs and mercenaries. They are not the people you seek," the other man responds, his voice low, gruff and careful.
"They are the people of the prophecy, even your old woman believed that, and would you expect them to be soft, " the elf replies.
"Then help them and I will help them in my own way, remember, she is dead."
"Do not get in the way of what must happen for the sake of vengeance."
"That is not my way Elf, as you well know."
"The dwarf has the mark..."
"The dwarf hates you and your kind, if he helps you it will be by accident."
"The minotaur then and the shifter.... my people are already talking, and the weres are on the move again."
"You're dreaming, you know that the part the Minotaurs have played is a question. He may damn us. He may truly be working for Balfeus."
"and what of you?" responds the Elf quickly.
"An unfair question, my loyalties have already been tested," the gruff voice responds, his breathing ragged and pained.
"I will help them. I will give them what they need to close all the portals at once... should they wish to."
"That may play into Balfeus' hands."
"May, could!! But the end of the portals will weaken him."
"As I said. I will help them in my own way. The demon kin will appreciate the irony."
"Do not bring their ire on my clan, they have shown themselves to be destructive."
"Really, I had not noticed... " the sarcasm drips.
"Sacrifices have to be made." responds the Elven shaman.
"I hope when the dust settles that your saviours agree with you."
"It is no matter... the spirits of the land and the sky are screaming for change."
"I doubt this little band care about your sensibilities Shaman."
"I care little about theirs, but some things must come to pass and the portals must close before anything else will change."
"...and my help will speed things along."
"You play with fire."
"Now that is ironic Elf. I must rest... the days to come will be tiring."

The conversation ends and Talon sneaks away with his new, mysterious, curvaceous ally.

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